Gerson Digital : Britain


Bibliography T — Z

The Art Journal 1848
See under A

Ter Gouw 1853
See under G

Von Térey 1923-1924
G. von Térey, ‘Ein Jagdstück des Jan van der Vinne’, Oud Holland 41 (1923-1924), p. 63-67

The Hague 1938
See under H

Van Thiel 1999
P. J.J. van Thiel, Cornelis Cornelisz. van Haarlem 1562-1638 : a monograph and catalogue raisonné, Doornspijk 1999

Van Thiel-Stroman 2006
I. van Thiel-Stroman, in: P. Biesboer et al., Painting in Haarlem 1500-1850. The collection of the Frans Hals Museum, Gent/Haarlem 2006

Thieme/Becker 1907-1950
U. Thieme, F. Becker, Allgemeines Lexikon der bildenden Künstler : von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart (37 vols.), Leipzig 1907-1950

Thomson 1974
D. Thomson, The life and art of George Jamesone, Oxford 1974

Toorenenbergen/Ruytinck et al. 1873
J. Toorenenbergen (ed.), S. Ruytinck et al., Gheschiedenissen ende handelingen die voornemelick aengaen de Nederduytsche natie ende gemeynten, wonende in Engelant ende int bysonder tot Londen (Werken der Marnix-Vereeniging, Serie III, Deel 1), Utrecht 1873

Town 2014
E. Town, ‘A biographical dictionary of London painters, 1547-1625’, The Walpole Society 76 (2014), p. 1-235

Town/David 2019
E. Town and J. David, ‘Daniël van den Queborn, painter to the House of Orange and its English allies in the Netherlands‘, in L. Wrapson et al., Migrants: art, artists, materials and ideas crossing borders, London 2019, p. 16-29

Townsend 2003
R.P. Townsend, 'Alexander Keirincx's royal commission of 1639-1640', Leids Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek 13 (2003), p. 137-150

Toynbee 1939
M.R. Toynbee, ‘A Portrait Called Henry, „Prince of Wales“, by Daniel Mytens‘, The Burlington Magazine 74 (1939), p. 116–122

Turner 1840
D. Turner, Outlines in Lithography, from a Small Collection of Pictures, Yarmouth 1840

Turner 2015
S. Turner, ‘Sandrart’s Life of Wallerant Vaillant and the Early History of Mezzotint Printmaking’, in: S. Meruer, A. Schreurs-Moret and L. Simonato 9eds.), Die Künstler der 'Teutschen Academie' von Joachim von Sandrart : aus aller Herren Länder, Turnhout 2015, p. 299-309

Von Uffenbach 1753
Z.C. von Uffenbach, Merkwürdige Reisen durch Niedersachsen, Holland und Engelland, Frankfurt 1753

Upmark 1900
G. Upmark, ‘Ein Besuch in Holland 1687 aus den Reiseschilderungen des schwedischen Architekten Nicodemus Tessin d.J.’, Oud Holland 18 (1900), p. 117-128; 144-152 and 199-210

Van Biema 1917
See under B

Van Bleyswijck 1667
See under B

Van Campen 1940
See under C

Van der Haagen 1932
See under H

Van Gelder 1939
See under G

Van Gool 1750-1751
See under G

Von Koskull 1937
See under K

Van Leeuwen 2022 [forthcoming]
See under L

Van Mander/Floerke 1906
See under M

Van Riemsdijk 1934
See under R

Van Ysselsteyn 1936
See under Y

Van Zuiden 1912
See under Z

Valentiner 1929
W.R. Valentiner, Pieter De Hooch. Des Meisters Gemälde in 180 Abbildungen. Mit einem Anhang über die Genremaler um Pieter De Hooch und die Kunst Hendrik Van Der Burchs (Klassiker der Kunst in Gesamtausgaben, vol. 35), Stuttgart 1929

Valentiner 1938
W.R. Valentiner, ‘Isaac Luttichuys A little Known Dutch Portrait Painter‘, Art Quarterly 1 (1938), p. 151-180

Veldman 2001
I.M. Veldman, Crispijn de Passe and his progeny (1564-1670) : a century of print production, Rotterdam 2001

Vertue 1768
G. Vertue, A catalogue of the collection of pictures, etc. belonging to King James the second, London (Bathoe) 1768

Vertue Note Books I
'The note-books of George Vertue relating to artists and collections in England: volume I', The Walpole Society 18 (1930)

Vertue/van der Doort 1649/1757
G. Vertue, A. van der Doort, A catalogue and description of King Charles the first's capital collection of pictures, limnings, statues, bronzes, medals and other curiosities. Now first published from an original manuscript in the Ashmolean Musaeum at Oxford [1649], London (Bathoe) 1757

Veth 1889
G.H. Veth, ‘Aaanteekeningen omtrent eenige Dordrechtsche schilders’, Oud-Holland 7 (1889), p. 129-148

Veth 1896
G.H. Veth, ‘Aanteekeningen omtrent eenige Dordrechtsche schilders’, Oud-Holland 14 (1896), p. 99-112

Veth 1903
G.H. Veth, ‘Aanteekeningen omtrent eenige Dordrechtsche schilders’, Oud-Holland 21 (1903), p. 111-124

Vlieghe 1973
H. Vlieghe, Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard, vol. VIII, Saints II, Brussels 1973

Von Koskull 1937
See under K

Von Térey 1923-1924
See under T

De Vries 1885
A.D. de Vries, ‘Biografische aanteekeningen betreffende voornamelijk Amsterdamsche schilders, plaatsnijders, enz. en hunne verwanten’, Oud Holland 3 (1885), p. 55-80 and 137-160

De Vries 1886
A.D. de Vries, ‘Biografische aanteekeningen betreffende voornamelijk Amsterdamsche schilders, plaatsnijders, enz. en hunne verwanten’, Oud Holland 4 (1886), p. 295–302

De Vries 1922
R.W.P. de Vries, Catalogue d’une collection précieuse de dessins anciens provenant en grande partie du Prince de S.-B., Amsterdam 1922

Vuyk 1929
J. Vuyk, ‘Anthonie Blocklandt van Montfoort, II’, Oud Holland 46 (1929), p. 106–114

Wahrman 2012
D. Wahrman, Mr. Collier's letter racks : a tale of art & illusion at the threshold of the modern information age, New York 2012

Walpole et al. 1762/1876 (ed. Wornum)
H. Walpole, R.N. Wornum (ed.), Anecdotes of painting in England, with some account of the principal artists and Vertue's catalogue of engravers who have been born or resided in England (3 vols.), London 1876

Walsh 1974
J. Walsh, 'The Dutch marine painters Jan and Julius Porcellis, I: Jan's early career', The Burlington Magazine 116 (1974), p. 653-662

Walsh 1974A
J. Walsh, 'The Dutch marine painters Jan and Julius Porcellis, II: Jan's maturity and "de jonge Porcellis"', The Burlington Magazine 116 (1974), p. 734-745

Ward 1903
A.W. Ward, The Electress Sophia and the Hanoverian Succession, London 1903

Waterhouse 1936
E.K. Waterhouse, ‘Gainsborough in Park Land exhibition at Sir Philip Sassoon’s’, The connoisseur : an illustrated magazine for collectors 97 (1936), p. 123-128

Waterhouse 1949
E.K. Waterhouse, 'Edward Bower, Painter of King Charles I at His Trial', The Burlington Magazine 91 (1949), p. 18-21

Waterhouse 1953
E. Waterhouse, Painting in Britain ; 1530 to 1790, Melbourne/London/Baltimore 1953

Waterhouse 1953/1994
E. Waterhouse, Painting in Britain ; 1530 to 1790 (2nd ed.), Princeton 1994

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E.K. Waterhouse (ed.), Exhibition of 17th century art in Europe : 1938, London (Royal Academy of Arts) 1938

Waterhouse 1981
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Waterhouse 1988
E. Waterhouse, The Dictionary of 16th & 17th Century British Painters, Woodbridge 1988

Watt 1938
A. Watt, ‘Notes from Paris’, Apollo: the magazine of the arts, London 1938 (January – June), p. 149-150

Weber 1979
R.E.J. Weber, 'The artistic relationship between the ship draughtsman Willem van de Velde the Elder and his son the marine painter in the year 1664', Master Drawings 17 (1979), p. 152-161

Welcker 1940
A. Welcker, ‘Schildersportretten’, Oud Holland 57 (1940), p. 115–122

Weyerman 1729-1769
J.C. Weyerman, De levens-beschryvingen der Nederlandsche konst-schilders en konst-schilderessen, met een uytbreyding over de schilder-konst der ouden (4 vols.), The Hague 1729-1769

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F.H.C. Weijtens, De Arundel-Collectie. Commencement de la fin Amersfoort 1655, Utrecht (Rijksarchief) 1971

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A. Wheelock, Jan Lievens : a Dutch master rediscovered, Washington (National Gallery of Art) Milwaukee (Milwaukee Art Museum) Amsterdam (Rembrandthuis) 2008-2009

White 1964
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White 1982
C. White, The Dutch pictures in the collection of Her Majesty the Queen, London 1982

White/de Sancha 1982/2015
C. White, R. de Sancha, The Dutch pictures in the collection of Her Majesty the Queen (2nd ed.), London 2015

Whitley 1915
W. T. Whitley, Thomas Gainsborough, London 1915

Whitley 1928A
W. T. Whitley, Artists and their friends in England 1700-1799 (2 vols.), London 1928

Whitley 1928B
W. T. Whitley, Art in England 1800-1820, Cambridge 1928

Wijnman 1934
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Williamson 1918
G.C. Williamson, ‘Mr. Francis Wellesley’s Collection of Miniatures and Drawings’, The connoisseur : an illustrated magazine for collectors 51 (1918), p. 63-76

Williamson 1975
G.C. Williamson, English conversation pictures of the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, New York 1975

Van der Willingen 1870
A. Pz. van der Willigen, Les artistes de Harlem : notices historiques avec un précis sur la Gilde de St. Luc, Harlem 1870

Wieseman 2002
M.E. Wieseman, Caspar Netscher and late seventeenth-century Dutch painting, Doornspijk 2002

Wimmer 1936
G. Wimmer, ‘Das problem der reise Rembrandts nach England’, Graphischen Künste 1 (1936), p. 144-152

Wood 2000-2001
J. Wood, 'Orazio Gentileschi and some Netherlandish Artists in London: The Patronage of the Duke of Buckingham, Charles I and Henrietta Maria', Simiolus 28 (2000-2001), p. 103-128

Woodall 1935
M. Woodall, ‘A Note on Gainsborough and Ruisdael’, The Burlington Magazine 66 (1935), p. 40–45

Woodall 1939
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Von Wurzbach 1906-1911
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Yalcin 2013
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Zell 2021
M. Zell, Rembrandt, Vermeer and the Gift in Seventeenth-Century Dutch Art, Amsterdam 2021

Van Zuiden 1912
D. S van Zuiden, ‘De Beeldhouwer Johannes Bloemendael’, Oud Holland 30 (1912), p. 31–36

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