Gerson Digital : Britain


Gerson Digital : Britain

Dispersal and Legacy of Dutch Painting of the 17th Century in Britain

A Translated, Illustrated and Annotated Chapter from Horst Gerson’s Ausbreitung und Nachwirkung der holländischen Malerei des 17. Jahrhunderts (1942/1983)


Karen Hearn and Rieke van Leeuwen

The research project for this publication has been carried out with the assistance of

Ellinoor Bergvelt
Ursula de Goede
Petra Jalšovec (Utrecht University)
Paul van Kooij
Jan Kosten
Anna Preußinger
Alexander Sevastos (Utrecht University)
Annika Zinger (University of Göttingen)

The first part (chapter 1-2) has been launched on September 22nd, 2022 during the conference Close Encounters : Cross-Cultural Exchange between the Low Countries and Britain 1600-1800 (see Programme).

The second part (chapter 3) has been added in December 2023.

The last part (chapters 4-6) will be added in the course of 2025.

The Hague, September 2022 & December 2023

Cover image
Samuel van Hoogstraten
Perspective view with a woman reading a letter, c. 16671
The Hague, Koninklijk Kabinet van Schilderijen Mauritshuis, inv./ 66

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